Have a break, enjoy reading

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

shopping trip

it was 3rd day of April
me and chin wee
plan our explore trip again
this time is to 1-utama
recommended by Arsene

both of us actually plan on 9.30am
because of sleep late the night before
we postpond to 10am

the way to our destination is
Bus to KTM station
KTM to KL sentral

LRT ticket

KL sentral to Kelana Jaya by LRT

station Kelana Jaya
after that
Free shuttle bus to IKANO MALL
whole journey takes 2hours

we are getting more excited when reaching there
we went Royale Bintang Hotel to search for
chin wee cousin sister
then go have lunch at

is all about Indonesian food
dun judge it through it appearance
the food will make you change your mind about the shop

After 2pm
we start from Ikano Mall
since we need to wait for Chin Wee cousin sister
1st destination

IKEA furniture store
which is my favourite furniture store
spent about RM 230++ there
buying a table lamp for RM 135++
mug, bowl, pillow, chair cushion,and...

our destination move to 1-Utama
the mall is huge
bigger than mid-valley
I love there
both of us plan to stay over
when reaching there

we had been shopping
without food, drinks and toilet
is amazing
shopping make girl feel full
I brought another high heel again
but a nice and beautiful 1

3rd April is a short day for me
the time move fast
we are so tired that day
but our heart is happy
although regret of didn't buy some of the item

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