within 2 weeks
i had watch 3 movie and 2set of drama
this had broke my record
but this make me feel meaningless to me
like doing nothing
spent money and waste my time for this
but this can be the only way to
make my time past faster
other than going work
maybe I just useless
can't help
can't do
not responsible
and so on....
to make my heart feel better
mind me to intro the movie i had watched
the letter to Juliet
-romantic movie, bad thing happen every single second around the world
-we can't stop it but can reduce it
The Karate Kids
-no matter how people treat us, just be yourself
-they will see the truly of your heart one day
-never give out no matter how bad the condition is
-everything that come from the faithful heart talk
Nanny McPhee and the big bang
'if you need me, but you dunwan me, I will stay'
'if you don't need me, but you want me, I will leave'
maybe this quote happen everyday in life
but in other way round
'if you need me, you want me, I may stay'
'if you don't need me, you dunwan me, I leave'
5 thing that important in life
-brave fullness
Sorry that the post is sound emoing....
it just my mood now